Shows Past and Present

The Imprint of Partnering- Main Street Coffee Roasting Company, Redwood City, CA - September 2006

The Imprint of Partnering - Vero Salon, Oakland, CA - July 2006 - Present

The Imprint of Partnering- Uptown Cafe, San Carlos, CA - May - July 2006

The Imprint of Partnering- Dance Mission Theater, San Francisco, CA - March 2006

Solo Show - Uptown Cafe, San Carlos, CA - June 2004

Naked Truths - Cafe Que Tal, San Franisco, CA - May 2004

A Moveable Feast - Portraits of artists.  Main Street Coffee Roasting Company, Redwood City, CA - February 2004

Missing Pieces - A collaborative show with Diana Elrod.  Chow Restaurant, San Francisco, CA. September 2003 - November 2003

Five Nudes - Chimera Books, Redwood City, CA.  March 2003 - September 2003.

Sky, Rock, Torso, Sand - The Chiropractic Offices of Dr. Dennis Millward. (By appointment only) September 2003 - Present

Works - Redwood City Coffee Roasting Company - Redwood City, CA.  November 2002

Dark Eyes - Uptown Cafe, San Carlos CA  April 2002